Assessing the Benefits and Effectiveness of Product Stewardship

Project Context

The Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF) at the University of Technology Sydney along with the Product Stewardship Centre of Excellence, in 2021 and 2022 conducted a research project to evaluate the benefits and effectiveness of product stewardship including Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) activities across Australia.

The project aims to encourage business to engage with stewardship activities through existing, new and emerging activities and actors along the supply chain to contribute to achieving Australia’s waste and environmental targets and treaty commitments. As well as inform policy and program decisions, investment decisions, and foster a broader strategic understanding of opportunities in stewardship.

Deliverables and Outcomes

Product Stewardship Gateway

Study Reports – May 2023

Click here to view Study Reports.


Project Leader
Dr Nick Florin
UTS Institute for Sustainable Futures

Download Fact Sheet here.

Click here to access the Product Stewardship Gateway.

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