Online training for your professional development

Professional development for practitioners and decision-makers is a vital and ongoing step towards improving product stewardship knowledge, understanding and performance in Australia.

The initial phase of the Centre’s eLearning program features three on-demand modules aimed at informing, educating, upskilling and activating action.

From introductory training modules on the role and value of product stewardship, through to more specific modules covering individual business product stewardship initiatives and collective schemes, our on-demand eLearning program will build your knowledge and credentials through our self-paced learning platform.

Our eLearning classroom will continue to grow as we add new modules covering diverse topics, and we are always interested in your suggestions for specific topics that you would find relevant and beneficial.

Learning objectives

The following outline describes the first three modules and the specific learning objectives for each.


Product Stewardship 101

This is the ideal module to inform and equip you on the fundamentals of Product Stewardship. By completing this module, you will:

  • Gain an in-depth understanding of what Product Stewardship is
  • Know what Product Stewardship looks like in practice across the product life cycle
  • Understand the current national and state/territory policy environment in Australia
  • Be familiar with three key types of Product Stewardship activity in Australia

The module uses real Australian examples and the latest research to explain concepts and equip you with the knowledge you need to identify your role in Product Stewardship.


Key Elements of Individual Business Product Stewardship Initiatives

The origins of product stewardship began with manufacturers, brands and suppliers taking responsibility for the products and services they placed on the market. This approach continues today with many companies in Australia and globally. By completing this module, you will:

  • Know what Product Stewardship looks like in practice across the product lifecycle.
  • Assess the effectiveness and benefits of individual Product Stewardship initiatives in Australia.
  • Learn how to apply Product Stewardship in an individual business or brand context.
  • Examine Product Stewardship in action through real-world case studies.

The module uses Australian and overseas examples and recent research to explain concepts to equip you with the knowledge you need to identify your role in Product Stewardship as an individual business or brand.


Key Elements of a Collective Product Stewardship Scheme

Learn about collective schemes and how they operate across the lifecycle through examples which include how the policy and regulatory landscape underpins the type of schemes in Australia. By completing this module, you will:

  • Know what collective Product Stewardship looks like in practice across the product lifecycle.
  • Understand the regulatory environment underpinning collective Product Stewardship initiatives in Australia.
  • Investigate the impact of free-riders on collective Product Stewardship schemes and uncover strategies to overcome them.
  • Examine Product Stewardship in action through best-practice case-studies.

The module uses currently operating Australian examples and recent research to explain concepts and equip you with the knowledge you need to identify your role in Product Stewardship.

Who are the modules for?

Subject to the specific topic, the modules hold relevance and utility for a diverse range of disciplines and roles including:

  • Manufacturers, OEMs, brands, suppliers, importers and retailers
  • Senior executives and board directors
  • Environment and sustainability professionals
  • Waste, recycling, resource recovery and logistics professionals
  • Government policy-makers, regulators and program managers
  • Marketing and communications professionals
  • Risk management, OHS and workplace safety professionals
  • Product Stewardship Organisation staff
  • Industry association and professional institute staff
  • Consultants and advisory professionals

Want to know more?

The on-demand modules can be undertaken in your own time and space in whatever order you choose.

The cost per person per module is AU$165 inc. GST. A group discount is available for teams of five or more students.

Contact the Centre directly by using our contact us form, if you require more information, or click through to the Centre’s learning platform if you are ready to start your professional development journey towards being a proficient and informed product stewardship decision-maker.